One question for icaros in new K-Lite...

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One question for icaros in new K-Lite... Empty One question for icaros in new K-Lite...

Post by Guest Thu Jan 15, 2015 10:13 am

As in new K-Lite 10.9.5,icaros has get rid of .NET Framework. It's a good news,but I wonder if it can work for Windows XP systems?? There're still many that uses Windows XP in my country.


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One question for icaros in new K-Lite... Empty Re: One question for icaros in new K-Lite...

Post by Admin Thu Jan 15, 2015 3:57 pm

It still requires at least Windows Vista. Windows XP uses a different property system, so it is unlikely that will ever be supported by Icaros. You can get file details with MediaInfo. That works on XP.


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One question for icaros in new K-Lite... Empty Re: One question for icaros in new K-Lite...

Post by Guest Thu Jan 15, 2015 5:43 pm

Admin wrote:It still requires at least Windows Vista. Windows XP uses a different property system, so it is unlikely that will ever be supported by Icaros. You can get file details with MediaInfo. That works on XP.

Thanks for your answer,it's a pity that XP can't have Icaros though,but K-Lite still works great!


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