error creating registry key

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error creating registry key Empty error creating registry key

Post by auxoa Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:19 am

Hi all, I need your help
Previously i can download klite codec pack easily, but after i format my hard drive and wanting to download klite codec pack back, they gave me this error message:

Error Creating Registry Key:

Regcreatekeyex failed; code 5.
Access is denied

I tried to go to regedit.exe and try to find the folder and give the "permission", but surprisingly the folder is not even there. I can only found HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\http in my regedit.exe and i have already given the permission or allow full control of it.

If any of you know about this error, please let me know, i really need you help

Thank you


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error creating registry key Empty Re: error creating registry key

Post by Admin Thu Jan 01, 2015 4:50 pm

Those registry keys are not important, so you can just click "ignore".

I don't know why you are getting that error. I have never seen anybody with this specific error before.

The Extensions subkey should also already exist on a clean installation of Windows. Perhaps you are using a version of Windows that does not include Windows Media Player? But even then, then installer should have no problems accessing that key.


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error creating registry key Empty Re: error creating registry key

Post by auxoa Mon Jan 26, 2015 2:17 am

I click ignore for that, but it doesnt want to go through, it keep coming back to ask the same thing. In the end, I cant download it


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error creating registry key Empty Re: error creating registry key

Post by auxoa Mon Jan 26, 2015 2:46 am

Im using windows 7 professional, and it has a windows media player as well. Previously, I can download it, but right after I re-format my disk, I can't download it anymore, it keep asking for this:

Error Creating Registry Key:

Regcreatekeyex failed; code 5.
Access is denied

I did click ignore, but still, it doesnt work. The only thing I can press is just the abort button.

If you can help me with that, it will be great. Thanks


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error creating registry key Empty Re: error creating registry key

Post by Admin Mon Jan 26, 2015 3:27 pm

It tries to add multiple entries to that key (up to 13). So you will need to click Ignore multiple times as well. It should eventually continue.

Next version will hide this specific error, so it won't be a problem anymore then.


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error creating registry key Empty Re: error creating registry key

Post by auxoa Sat Jan 31, 2015 3:20 am

Okay, I will try, thanks


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error creating registry key Empty Re: error creating registry key

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