MPC-HC protects writing to the played file

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MPC-HC protects writing to the played file Empty MPC-HC protects writing to the played file

Post by MarianD Tue Dec 09, 2014 9:50 pm

MPC-HC (and some previous) protects writing to the played file.

I use MPC-HC with AviSynth and if I see something to edit I use repeatedly this process:

  1. I switch to my AviSynth editor (SynWrite) and edit the AviSynth file
  2. I press F5, witch in SynWrite saves the (edited) file and starts the associated player (MPC-HC)

But in the newest versions of MPC-HC it is impossible - editor protests (not allowed to write to the file), so I need switch back to MPC-HC, close file (Ctrl+C), swith back to the editor and again press F5. It is very frustrating.

Is there some way to repair it?

(Windows 7 Ulitmate 64-bit, both 32-bit and 64-bit MPC-HC


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Location : Bratislava, Slovak Republic

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MPC-HC protects writing to the played file Empty Re: MPC-HC protects writing to the played file

Post by Admin Wed Dec 10, 2014 1:18 am

Try disabling the internal AviSynth source filter.

Options > Internal Filters


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MPC-HC protects writing to the played file Empty Re: MPC-HC protects writing to the played file

Post by MarianD Wed Dec 10, 2014 1:29 pm

Thank you! I don't understand why, by it immediately helped me.


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MPC-HC protects writing to the played file Empty Re: MPC-HC protects writing to the played file

Post by Admin Wed Dec 10, 2014 4:20 pm

It is a limitation of LAV Splitter (which is what it uses internally). It opens files with read/write access, preventing other applications from modifying it. This issue will probably be resolved in the future.


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MPC-HC protects writing to the played file Empty Re: MPC-HC protects writing to the played file

Post by MarianD Wed Dec 10, 2014 7:36 pm

Thank you again for the explanation, I was curious why it helped me.


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MPC-HC protects writing to the played file Empty Re: MPC-HC protects writing to the played file

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