TS files no sound, Windows 8.1, Windows Media Player 12

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 TS files no sound, Windows 8.1, Windows Media Player 12 Empty TS files no sound, Windows 8.1, Windows Media Player 12

Post by mrjcjones Mon Oct 20, 2014 6:01 pm

My Windows 8.1 tablet would not play .ts files from my Humax HDR-FOX T2 Media Server. My Windows 7 pc does play those files. I downloaded and installed the current codec pack, K-Lite Codec Pack 10.8.0 to my tablet. The .ts file will now play video but not audio on the tablet. Other audio, music only, plays as it did before.
Any ideas, please?


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 TS files no sound, Windows 8.1, Windows Media Player 12 Empty Re: TS files no sound, Windows 8.1, Windows Media Player 12

Post by Admin Mon Oct 20, 2014 6:32 pm

Try this:
Codec Tweak Tool > MS Codec Tweaks > disable MS DTV-DVD Audio decoder (x86)


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 TS files no sound, Windows 8.1, Windows Media Player 12 Empty Re: TS files no sound, Windows 8.1, Windows Media Player 12

Post by mrjcjones Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:05 pm

That works.  Thanks.

I could not find it on the tablet, so I downloaded a standalone version, however I could not find Codec Tweak Tool on the tablet after using it.  Is it stored anywhere or does it have to be downloaded each time I need to use it?

Something odd. If the tablet is rotated, the audio and video stop working. I guess this is a Windows bug and nothing to do with the codecs.


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 TS files no sound, Windows 8.1, Windows Media Player 12 Empty Re: TS files no sound, Windows 8.1, Windows Media Player 12

Post by Admin Tue Oct 21, 2014 1:02 pm

It is included in the codec pack. If you are using Windows 8, then right-click on the Start Screen to see the "All Apps" list. On Windows 8.1 there is a button for it.

The stand-alone version does not require any installation. Just save it to your computer and run it whenever you want.

The rotation problem is a Windows issue. Updating your graphics driver may help.


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 TS files no sound, Windows 8.1, Windows Media Player 12 Empty Re: TS files no sound, Windows 8.1, Windows Media Player 12

Post by mrjcjones Tue Oct 21, 2014 3:11 pm

Thanks again for your help. I have stopped the screen rotation for now.


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 TS files no sound, Windows 8.1, Windows Media Player 12 Empty Re: TS files no sound, Windows 8.1, Windows Media Player 12

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