MPC-HC for Linux (Debian)?

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MPC-HC for Linux (Debian)? Empty MPC-HC for Linux (Debian)?

Post by Skaendo Mon Oct 06, 2014 7:38 pm

Is there any way that MPC-HC can be built for Linux (Debian)?

I have and use VLC on my Debian OS, but would much rather use MPC-HC due to features like playing the next video file in the folder, just to name one.
I guess if there is a way to do this in VLC I can cope with it. But VLC also gets pixelated or choppy when I try to ffw and rew with the progress bar. This is kind of annoying.

I dont think that having the codecs would be necessary unless they are included with VLC or another media player.
I would uninstall these if I can get MPC-HC on Debian.

Or if there is a build for Linux (Debian) could someone point me to it?

Sorry if this subject is taboo or beaten to death, I have searched and couldnt find anything relative.


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MPC-HC for Linux (Debian)? Empty Re: MPC-HC for Linux (Debian)?

Post by Admin Tue Oct 07, 2014 3:48 pm

MPC-HC is based on technologies that are only available for Windows.

An alternative for VLC that you can try on Linux would be MPV.


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MPC-HC for Linux (Debian)? Empty Re: MPC-HC for Linux (Debian)?

Post by Skaendo Tue Oct 07, 2014 6:59 pm

Thanks, I'll give it a try.


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Join date : 2014-10-06

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MPC-HC for Linux (Debian)? Empty Re: MPC-HC for Linux (Debian)?

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