K-Lite Mega 10.6.6 / MPC scrolling in mp4 files?

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K-Lite Mega 10.6.6 / MPC scrolling in mp4 files? Empty K-Lite Mega 10.6.6 / MPC scrolling in mp4 files?

Post by Norm@Home Thu Sep 04, 2014 3:59 am

Since I went from K-Lite 9.x.x to 10.x.x I've noticed that Media Player Classic (including the latest version included in K-Lite 10.6.6) has issues scrolling in almost all Mp4 files as well as some DVD's. The problem is that if you scroll forward or backward in any significant amount playback stops even though the status says "Playing" and it never continues (although in rare instances if you let it sit for 10 minutes or so it will continue playing) and if you try and scroll any more MPC becomes unresponsive i.e. Windows says "Media Player Classic is not responding". While I don't like VLC as much I've tried it and there is no problem scrolling forward or backward in any of the Mp4 files or DVD's that MPC seems to be having problems with.

Is this a known issue? Any idea's?

- Norm


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Join date : 2014-09-04

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K-Lite Mega 10.6.6 / MPC scrolling in mp4 files? Empty Re: K-Lite Mega 10.6.6 / MPC scrolling in mp4 files?

Post by Admin Thu Sep 04, 2014 3:19 pm

No, it is not a common problem. Seeking works totally fine here with MP4 files.

Are you using hardware acceleration? If so, does turning it off make any difference?


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