Windows media player 8 correct install

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Windows media player 8 correct install Empty Windows media player 8 correct install

Post by flyguyes Mon Aug 25, 2014 1:46 am

Hi Codec community,

after not being able to find any clues on the internet I figured I post here to get help.

I have window 8.1 pro
From what I read on the klite site downloading the doc pack (standard in my case) would allow wMP to play dvds'. if this is incorrect then that would explain it.

My issue is that its not working after installing klite. I get file not found if I tell it to play automatically and if I try to manually play the dvd it isn't available as an option. if I go to File Open and click on a VOB file nothing happens (no errors just nothing)

My assumption it that the process I would take is
run Klite installer , after installer completes put a dvd in and watch.

Can someone help me if there is some other step to get Windows media player to play dvd after kite is installed?

thanks in advance


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Windows media player 8 correct install Empty Re: Windows media player 8 correct install

Post by Admin Mon Aug 25, 2014 3:16 pm

Windows Media Player on Windows 8/8.1 is only able to play DVDs if you install the Media Center add-on for Windows. It is not a matter of missing codecs. It is a restriction made by Microsoft.

You should be able to play DVDs with Media Player Classic (included in the codec pack) or VLC player. Those players do not require the Media Center add-on.


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