MP4 playing on Windows Media Player 11

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MP4 playing on Windows Media Player 11 Empty MP4 playing on Windows Media Player 11

Post by bambers Sun Jul 27, 2014 10:35 am

Using K-Lite basic, what's the minimum set up I can use to add the ability to play MP4 files in WP11 in addition to WP11's normal formats.
i.e. Just add MP4 capability.

I'd much appreciate any help.



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MP4 playing on Windows Media Player 11 Empty Re: MP4 playing on Windows Media Player 11

Post by Admin Sun Jul 27, 2014 4:09 pm

Why do you only want to add MP4? Don't you want to be able to play other popular formats like MKV and FLV? Did you perhaps read something on the Internet about installing as little codecs as possible? I can tell you that people who write such nonsense usually know very very little about codecs. It is not the quantity that matters, but the quality (of the software).

The Basic pack contains only the most essential codecs. You can safely install it with default settings. Trying to make you life unnecessary complex by trying to add support for just a single file type is really just a waste of your time.

If you are stubborn and don't care about the advice of a real expert, then you can just select the things you need in the installer. The bare minimum is: MP4 source filter, H.264 and MPEG-4 video decoders, and AAC and MP3 audio decoders. MP4 files can also contain AC3 audio, but such files are relatively rare.


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MP4 playing on Windows Media Player 11 Empty Re: MP4 playing on Windows Media Player 11

Post by bambers Sun Jul 27, 2014 5:36 pm

Many thanks for your helpful reply, I'll take you advice and install the basic pack.



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