having trouble uninstalling

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having trouble uninstalling Empty having trouble uninstalling

Post by dragonkx Wed Jun 25, 2014 2:53 am

This codec pack, eventhough its free comes with a huge amount of other installs, I had to uninstall at least 5 different programs. One of those installs is called HQPro-1.9. I cant uninstall it, either through control panel or the uninstall file in its file folder. Any ideas? I hate these programs that come with a huge amount of other installs, and give you problems when you try to uninstall. Any ideas on how to uninstall this HQPro-1.9?


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having trouble uninstalling Empty Re: having trouble uninstalling

Post by Admin Wed Jun 25, 2014 2:14 pm

The codec pack does not contain such software. You must have downloaded an unofficial adware bundled installer.

There is information on the website to allows you to verify that you have a genuine installer. An easy first check is to see if the filesize matches. A full check can be done by comparing the MD5/SHA256 hash of the downloaded file. It must match the one mentioned on the website. Here is a small free tool for computing hashes:
The codec pack also never shows any offers for other software when you start the installer. So if you get an installer that does, it means it is fake.

I found some removal tips for you:


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