H.264 encoder settings

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H.264 encoder settings Empty H.264 encoder settings

Post by nawi Fri May 02, 2014 9:59 pm

After installed "K-Lite_Codec_Pack_1030_Mega.exe" to my WinXP OS, the USB TV dongle software (MyTV - BlueBerryADTV.exe) that record Live TV programs got 2 extra movies capture options; "DVR-MS & H.264". Earlier had only MPEG-1 & MPEG-2. Where MPEG-2 option recorded .mpg files.

The new H.264 option records ".mts" files with 2 audio streams (S0:mpga & S2:mp4a) and 2 video streams (S1:mpgv & S3:h264) that results even bigger file size than the old MPEG-2 option. I would like to be able to have a smaller file size with H.264 better compression settings.

I would like to know whether the H.264 option was added by a K-Lite component and if so how to set better compression settings to get a smaller file size with only mp4a & h264 streams. Changing settings in "x264vfw configuration" panel had no effect to the file created by that as I guessed.



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H.264 encoder settings Empty Re: H.264 encoder settings

Post by Admin Mon May 05, 2014 4:16 pm

x264vfw is the only H.264 encoder included in the pack. So if the option was not available before, I also assume that your dongle software added it based on the presence of x264vfw. Perhaps the software offers its own settings for the encoding parameters, and overrides the settings from x264vfw itself?

You can see file details with the MediaInfo tool. That should be able to show the H.264 encoding parameters.


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