no sound at all audio switcher out

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no sound at all   audio switcher out Empty no sound at all audio switcher out

Post by rons5150 Thu Feb 27, 2014 4:54 pm

Everything worked ok until a few days ago.  Then Win XP scanned my C hard drive, saying it might be corrupted.  Now I get no sounds or audio whatsoever- neither system sounds nor any video audio (of any format.)  When playing a video I get a warning window, something about pins failing to connect with audio switcher out.
    I scanned the faq, and my eyes just glazed over.  
    Any suggestions?  (My speakers work ok -tested on another machine.)
I don't understand much about audio and video, so please keep your answers/suggestions detailed but KISS.
    Thanks very much!!
                  rons5150  (my first post here)


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Join date : 2014-02-27

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no sound at all   audio switcher out Empty Re: no sound at all audio switcher out

Post by Admin Thu Feb 27, 2014 5:58 pm

1) Re-install your sound driver.
2) Start > Run > execute this command: sfc /scannow
This will detect and replace damaged Windows files.
3) Re-install the codec pack
4) Create a backup of important files. Once a harddrive starts giving problems, it usually get worse.


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