Quick question about FLAC audio codec

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Quick question about FLAC audio codec Empty Quick question about FLAC audio codec

Post by LabRat Sun Jan 26, 2014 7:28 pm

I have the latest K-lite standard codec pack installed on a Win7 64 home premium media computer. FLAC files play fine in Windows Media Player 12 and I can see they are being processed by the LAV audio. In other guides on the web, it always says to install madFLAC. If this is the same author that has written such a popular (and powerful) video renderer - madVR - will installing madFLAC have any positive effect on FLAC playback in WMP12 or any other audio player like foobar?



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Quick question about FLAC audio codec Empty Re: Quick question about FLAC audio codec

Post by Admin Mon Jan 27, 2014 2:59 am

You don't need madFLAC. It does not offer any benefits over LAV. It was created when LAV Filters did not yet exist.

I would advice against following those guides you can find on the Internet. They often contain outdated and incorrect information. They often also suggest overly complex settings that yield little benefit, or even result in worse quality or performance.


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