simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers!

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simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers! Empty simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers!

Post by sanya2155 Wed Mar 27, 2013 4:32 pm

there are 4 laptops. They are united through wi-fi a router in one network. there is any video file. it needs to be started on all laptops at the same time. How to make management of reproduction on one laptop? to start video play from one laptop! Whether there is such opportunity? windows 7 or windows 8. Without a difference. Operating system we can reinstall. The MPC version in which there is a support of reproduction of video or video management from one PC can eat.


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simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers! Empty Re: simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers!

Post by Admin Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:10 pm

Look in MPC options. There you can find a setting to enable control through a web interface. You can use that to start playback from a another computer. Use a different port on each computer.


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simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers! Empty Re: simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers!

Post by sanya2155 Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:32 pm

and it is possible to explain on - more detailed a method of adjusting? in all versions this opportunity is or in any concrete version of the program? how to adjust the managing director of PC and how to adjust operated PC. if it is possible the instruction!


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simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers! Empty Re: simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers!

Post by Admin Thu Mar 28, 2013 2:57 pm

The functionality is available in all versions. Just look in the options. It is not very difficult.

if You set port 1234 and the pc had Network address then You can control from another pc by opening in the web browser.

MPC must of course Be running already on the pc.


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simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers! Empty Re: simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers!

Post by sanya2155 Thu Apr 18, 2013 6:56 am

clearly how to be connected to the computer! Not clearly how to start reproduction which will be broadcast in a network!


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simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers! Empty Re: simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers!

Post by Admin Thu Apr 18, 2013 3:53 pm

It does not work as a broadcast. You can't control multiple instances with one command. Each instance must be controlled separately. However, you can easily write some HTML and Javascript code to open four URLs at the same time, effectively playing a file on each laptop at the same time.

Playing a file is as simple as opening an URL like this:\test\video.avi

If you don't understand, then you need to hire someone who does. I can't explain it any easier.


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simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers! Empty Re: simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers!

Post by sanya2155 Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:47 pm

Why you write that isn't necessary for me! read all my messages! it is necessary to start video reproduction from one computer! For this purpose it is necessary to prepare all laptops! the question in that is as it to make? somebody can give the step-by-step instruction of control of all elements of a network? how to adjust each of 4 laptops?


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simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers! Empty Re: simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers!

Post by sanya2155 Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:49 pm

without creation of scripts! if not to do without creation of scripts in any way how to create it?


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simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers! Empty Re: simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers!

Post by Admin Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:50 pm

There is no easy way to do what you want. I have told you one relatively simple way it can be done, but you don't seem to understand it, or are not willing to invest any time looking at that solution. I can't help you any further.


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simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers! Empty Re: simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers!

Post by sanya2155 Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:43 pm

no. you not correctly understood me! I need not simultaneous reproduction, and simultaneous start of a video stream! I don't know as to explain that you correctly understood! I know that it is possible to make it by means of media player classic. in 2007 one guy somehow did this procedure, but I with him have no communication. After all it is possible to be connected to reproduction port: set port 1234 and the pc had Network address And so how to make that it was connection to the concrete computer. how to make so that there was not receiving stream a player, and distributing which will distribute in a network. that to it by this way it was connected all other laptops!
Here question essence! I am ready to waste time!


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simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers! Empty Re: simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers!

Post by Admin Sat Apr 20, 2013 4:09 pm

The file(s) must be present on each laptop. Files are not streamed.
MPC must be running on each laptop. It is not started automatically!
Firewalls must be disabled, or configured to allow access from the other laptop.
MPC uses a random port number by default. So you must configure the desired port on each laptop.
You can get network address of each laptop by running IPCONFIG on the laptops.


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simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers! Empty Re: simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers!

Post by mooms Tue Apr 30, 2013 1:24 am

I Think VLC (Video Lan Client) can do streaming/broadcasting.


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simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers! Empty Re: simultaneous reproduction of video on several computers!

Post by sanya2155 Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:21 am

I will try.


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