Source Duration is different from duration

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Source Duration is different from duration Empty Source Duration is different from duration

Post by mo5na Fri Jan 21, 2022 8:24 pm

Hey there,

so I am an absolute newby in making my own videos and literaly JUST got my Facecam.
Unfortunately I've ran into a problem that no support Team could fix.

My video - taken with Youcam 9 and a nulaxy webcam - has a length of 56min42s. If I just open it with windows media player and watch it, it's all good.
But the second I import it into ANY cutting program (VSDC, Adobe Premiere) it gets messed up.
VSDC just cuts the whole thing after 35min41s. If I change the length to it's usual, the audio does infact play on - but the video itself stays stuck in the last motion.
Adobe on the other hand shows the whole video but WAY faster, so it actually can fit all my movement into those 35min41s. Meanwhile the audio stays the same and is therefore desynchron and just stops after those 35min.

What I found was, that the Source Duration of the video is actually WAY shorter than the normal duration.
I guess that's where the troubles at. But how do I fix it?

Please keep in mind - I am new and have no idea how most of that stuff works. I can cut a video in my program, but that's about all I know.
(and english is not my primary language, but I should be fine)

thank you guys in advance for your help.

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Source Duration is different from duration Empty Re: Source Duration is different from duration

Post by Admin Sat Jan 22, 2022 3:44 pm

I suggest to convert the file before editing.


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Source Duration is different from duration Empty reply to Mo5na

Post by wlindstrom Wed Apr 19, 2023 7:05 pm

mo5na, did you ever find a solution to this? For me, encoding with handbrake absolutely did not fix the disparity between duration and source duration.

mo5na wrote:Hey there,

so I am an absolute newby in making my own videos and literaly JUST got my Facecam.
Unfortunately I've ran into a problem that no support Team could fix.

My video - taken with Youcam 9 and a nulaxy webcam -  has a length of 56min42s. If I just open it with windows media player and watch it, it's all good.
But the second I import it into ANY cutting program (VSDC, Adobe Premiere) it gets messed up.
VSDC just cuts the whole thing after 35min41s. If I change the length to it's usual, the audio does infact play on - but the video itself stays stuck in the last motion.
Adobe on the other hand shows the whole video but WAY faster, so it actually can fit all my movement into those 35min41s. Meanwhile the audio stays the same and is therefore desynchron and just stops after those 35min.

What I found was, that the Source Duration of the video is actually WAY shorter than the normal duration.
I guess that's where the troubles at. But how do I fix it?

Please keep in mind - I am new and have no idea how most of that stuff works. I can cut a video in my program, but that's about all I know.
(and english is not my primary language, but I should be fine)

thank you guys in advance for your help.

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Join date : 2023-04-19

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Source Duration is different from duration Empty Re: Source Duration is different from duration

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