Show subtitles when skipping

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Show subtitles when skipping Empty Show subtitles when skipping

Post by lemick Sat Jun 12, 2021 9:56 am


I'm using MPC-HC and I wanted to know if there's an option to show subtitles on skipped frames with navigation.
ex : I'm currently at 30s on a video, the next subtitle is to be shown between 34s and 38s, if I skipped 5s (with right arrow key), i'm now at 35s but the subtitle is not shown despite it's in the correct range.
Any clue?
I've tried to set the subtitle buffer but no effect on this
Thank you

MPC-HC 64bits
Mega codec pack 16.1.2


Posts : 1
Join date : 2021-06-12

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Show subtitles when skipping Empty Re: Show subtitles when skipping

Post by Admin Sat Jun 12, 2021 11:21 am

I assume you are talking about a .mkv with embedded subtitles.

The problem is that the subtitle information for the sub at 35s is stored in the file before the point that you are seeking to. So the splitter does not know about the existence of that subtitle line.
This problem mainly happens with older files. The Matroska (mkv) format allows adding additional information about where subtitle data is stored. Then the splitter is capable of finding it.
If you remux the file with MkvToolNix, then it will add that extra information, and the subtitle should display after seeking.


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