Add K-Lite to the Windows 10 Store

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Add K-Lite to the Windows 10 Store Empty Add K-Lite to the Windows 10 Store

Post by Cthulhu2018 Sun Sep 10, 2017 8:20 pm

Greetings! It would be great if you could add K-Lite (with MPC-HC) to the Windows 10 Store. That would make the updates for Windows 10 users automatic which is something K-Lite lacks today.


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Add K-Lite to the Windows 10 Store Empty Re: Add K-Lite to the Windows 10 Store

Post by Admin Mon Sep 11, 2017 1:21 pm

That is not going to happen. The Windows store sucks and has several limitations.

The pack already has automatic update checking. Installing the updates is left up to the user, since not everyone actually wants to update, for example because they are already satisfied with their current version. Fully automatic updates might be available in the future as an option. Perhaps in a premium version as it costs money to provide downloads.


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Add K-Lite to the Windows 10 Store Empty Re: Add K-Lite to the Windows 10 Store

Post by notcyf Mon Sep 11, 2017 3:18 pm

Admin wrote:That is not going to happen. The Windows store sucks and has several limitations.

The pack already has automatic update checking. Installing the updates is left up to the user, since not everyone actually wants to update, for example because they are already satisfied with their current version. Fully automatic updates might be available in the future as an option. Perhaps in a premium version as it costs money to provide downloads.

The biggest limitation is not being allowed to use your own installer, so configuration would have to be done entirely manually. Knew that was gonna be your answer.


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Add K-Lite to the Windows 10 Store Empty Re: Add K-Lite to the Windows 10 Store

Post by Cthulhu2018 Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:41 pm

Which limitations with the store is preventing this? Just curious, no Windows Store version isn't a deal breaker by any means.


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Add K-Lite to the Windows 10 Store Empty Re: Add K-Lite to the Windows 10 Store

Post by Admin Tue Sep 12, 2017 2:51 pm

I haven't done in depth research. But it would require a new installer. I also assume it won't allow any custom installation settings. It also only runs the 'app' with limited user privileges, which means no tweaking abilities. Latter might not apply to win32 apps, but their documentation sucks. Anyway, this discussion is pointless, since KLCP will never go into the store given the current state of the store.


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Add K-Lite to the Windows 10 Store Empty Re: Add K-Lite to the Windows 10 Store

Post by Cthulhu2018 Tue Sep 12, 2017 3:20 pm

Okay, thanks for explaining Smile I'll keep updating with Ninite until K-Lite is added to the Windows Store. I estimate Microsoft will get their shit together by 2030 or so, so I'll get back to you then. Wink


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