K-Lite installs ffdshow VFW as x86 (no options to install as x64)?

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K-Lite installs ffdshow VFW as x86 (no options to install as x64)? Empty K-Lite installs ffdshow VFW as x86 (no options to install as x64)?

Post by daz Mon Dec 05, 2016 6:41 pm


Installed K-Lite Mega 12.35 on a Win 10 x64 system
I need ffdshow x64 VFW to encode MJPG using x64 version of Autodesk software and other encoders.

However, the Codec Tweak Tool shows only the x86 ffdshow VFW interface installed:
   K-Lite installs ffdshow VFW as x86 (no options to install as x64)? Klite-13

I ran the installer again, but there are no options to ensure ffdshow VFW x64 is installed as the default.

So I have done this hack:
* Installed ffdshow x64 over the top of K-Lite,
   installing it to the same folder as K-Lite, thus:
   Program Files (x86)\K-Lite\Filters\ffdshow64

* Run as Admin ffdshow VFW interface > Tray and Paths > location of ffdshow
   > Program Files (x86)\K-Lite\Filters\ffdshow64
   K-Lite installs ffdshow VFW as x86 (no options to install as x64)? Klite-12

Now, for the moment, the Autodesk software can see the codec, and encode, however:
   both Windows file explorer, and the Autodesk software, are SLOWER than usual;
   I suspect this hack is UNSTABLE, possibly because Windows or Autodesk is searching for something.

I have also posted on the Feedback forum, requesting that the K-Lite team add an option to the K-Lite installer to install ffdshow VFW with x64 set as the default.
In the meantime, is there something else I should do? Any suggestions appreciated, thanks  Smile


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K-Lite installs ffdshow VFW as x86 (no options to install as x64)? Empty Re: K-Lite installs ffdshow VFW as x86 (no options to install as x64)?

Post by Admin Mon Dec 05, 2016 8:25 pm

64-bit ffdshow VFW is not installed on Windows 8 and newer because it has stability issues on such systems as you have noticed. However, it should not have any effect on Explorer, only on applications that use VFW. Perhaps the Explorer slowdown is due to thumbnails? You can disable those with Codec tweak Tool.

Are you using MJPG purely because it is fast (and has decent compression)?

An alternative would be x264VFW with these settings:
preset = ultrafast
zero latency enabled
extra command line = --keyint 1

Another good intermediary codec is Lagarith.


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K-Lite installs ffdshow VFW as x86 (no options to install as x64)? Empty Re: K-Lite installs ffdshow VFW as x86 (no options to install as x64)?

Post by daz Mon Dec 05, 2016 8:51 pm

I use MJPG for the reasons you mention, but more because it creates an AVI that's compatible and cross-platform with Quicktime player, widely used in the animation and visual effects industry to provide frame-by-frame scrubbing for motion analysis; this is important for animation and visual effects work. The movie file is also widely compatible for general viewing, which is another benefit.

I'm unaware of any VFW encoders that yield .mp4 containers with H264; I'd be interested in finding one, but the Autodesk software also does not show any QT/.mp4 encoder even though I have QT installed. On top of that, while the Autodesk software shows x264, Lagarith, and Huffyuv as installed codecs, it cannot drive x264 (fails on render). While Lagarith and Huffyuv render, these movie files throw up errors in Quicktime player.

I don't have thumbnails enabled. I'm researching the file explorer slowdown and it might be related to windows searching for a mapped network drive, or Autodesk preferences. On the other hand, it might be related to ffdshow x64. Thanks for letting me know about ffdshow x64 having stability issues. No clear answers yet.


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K-Lite installs ffdshow VFW as x86 (no options to install as x64)? Empty Re: K-Lite installs ffdshow VFW as x86 (no options to install as x64)?

Post by Admin Mon Dec 05, 2016 9:22 pm

In x264VFW you can change the output mode from VFW to File. Then it will save the compressed video (without audio!) directly to MP4 or MKV container, or even a raw .h264 file.

The "--keyint 1" setting forces intraframe compression. That should give the desired frame seeking capabilities.

You can easily disable/enable ffdshow x64 with the Codec Tweak Tool. That allows you to test if it is related to your slowdowns.


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K-Lite installs ffdshow VFW as x86 (no options to install as x64)? Empty Re: K-Lite installs ffdshow VFW as x86 (no options to install as x64)?

Post by daz Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:13 am

Well the Autodesk software can render via gpu to ffdshow(x64 only), but it can't render to x264, it just fails immediately, so the x264 option isn't so great... I might as well render uncompressed and run it through another piece of software to convert it, which defeats the purpose of quick renders for reviews.

Since as you've said, ffdshow x64 isn't that stable anyway, so uninstalling ffdshowx64 and finding another MJPG or mp4 encoder that Autodesk can interface with, might be my next step.


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K-Lite installs ffdshow VFW as x86 (no options to install as x64)? Empty Re: K-Lite installs ffdshow VFW as x86 (no options to install as x64)?

Post by Admin Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:33 am

Lagarith is a lossless format, meaning no quality loss, ideal as intermediary format during editing. You can easily convert that to MP4 with for example Handbrake if you need to distribute to others.


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