MPC language files in Standard bundle?

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MPC language files in Standard bundle? Empty MPC language files in Standard bundle?

Post by GeneralFailer Sat Nov 29, 2014 7:01 pm

Hello. Is there any reason for them to only be included in Full and Mega bundles except for disk space concerns? If there isn't one, I think they must be included in Standard variant because the current implementation is very unintuitive. When the MPC is listed as one of its major features, I don't expect the bundle to provide an incomplete version, especially when this bundle is supposed to be the recommended one.
The installer doesn't have to install them by default, but it should at least provide an option for this.


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Join date : 2014-11-29

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MPC language files in Standard bundle? Empty Re: MPC language files in Standard bundle?

Post by Admin Sun Nov 30, 2014 3:49 pm

It may change in the future. But many people prefer things to be small as possible, and actually prefer English software even though they are not native English speakers. The the pack is available in multiple sizes for a reason. The "standard playback" profile in the Full version installs the same set of components as Standard, but with the translations.


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